Waders and the British List As you know, I have a great intersest in waders and Frampton. I went there recently to see a Baird's Sandpiper, which rewarded me by being asleep most of the time. Got some photos of its back though! My Frampton wader list is currently 44, the reserve's is 50, and this was my second Baird's there. Driving there and back I was thinking about the status of species on the British List. WARNING-THIS BLOG MAY CAUSE DISTRESS TO THOSE OF A TWITCHING DISPOSITION WHO HAVEN'T BEEN DOING IT LONG. There are currently 79 waders on Category A of the British List. I have seen them all, but three only abroad. Caspian Plover only in Kazakhstan, and Mongolian Plover and Wilson's Snipe in several foreign locations. The splits haven't helped there, as I only ever went for one Lesser Sand-plover, which is (was?) Tibetan, and Wilson's Snipe has only ever been confirmed on Scilly. Not that I haven't tried, in 1988 I twitched a one day spring adu...