In the beginning I can be rather impulsive, but when I took up birding again at the age of thirty, after fifteen years of university, typical young male pursuits including rallying, and the purchase of my first house, I decided to see all the "regular" British birds before doing any twitching. This resulted in my missing the long-staying Steller's Eider whilst on holiday in the Hebrides, because I wasn't told about it. I was married to Linda then, who some may remember, and four years later I had seen all but Lady Amherst's Pheasant and Long-eared Owl, so whilst on an autumn holiday in Norfolk we went on our first twitch, to Wells Wood for a Red-breasted Flycatcher. Later that week, after a little dispute about the distance travelled, we twitched a Wilson's Phalarope at Gibraltar Point. The following February saw us walking down the quay on Shetland trying to get to a Harlequin Duck, and following on from people we met there I travelled again to Shetland a for...