Artificial What? I started this blog intending not to write anything controversial, but I've really got to make some comment about AI. Forgetting the dangers and huge inconveniences outside of birding, I find it very much a double-edged sword, but at least we are able to choose which bits we use. After all, modern cameras and processing programmes use a lot of AI, but there are still manual settings available in many cases, and lots of options. They are far better at most things, but if you leave it to "auto" all the time you won't get the best photos. An interesting "effect" which only happened on one frame was the scattering of the light from a laser pointer of the Sri Lanka Frogmouth which is shown below. I've no idea what caused it, but thankfully it only affected one frame (the laser was still on for subsequent two frames but they were fine). It's up to the individual, but I think most birders take a similar view to me when it comes to apps lik...