MOTHer's Day In common with many birders I have taken up moth-trapping. I first started in 2012 with an actinic trap and moved on to a mercury vapour Robinson type, which I constructed myself so as to not divert too many funds from birding and travel. I've never got really in to it, I don't dissect, I bought the ingredients to try some sugaring about two years ago but have never got round to it, and I only bother with micros if I (or obsidentify). can i.d. them quickly. My enjoyment comes from the potential to trap new moths, and I have done some at other locations when travelling. I took the actinic trap to Shetland last October and recorded exactly two moths, although the chalet I stay in isn't ideally located. I fully expected to be getting bored by now, but last year was incredible from the point of view of new moths to my back garden. I know the potential as we have a strip of brambles, nettles etc. running along our fence at the edge of a farmer's field, we...