Yesterday I ventured out for the first time since returning from Sri Lanka, as I'm contemplating the processing of a huge number of photos, and there's normal life in there somewhere! I went to photograph the Lesser Yellowlegs at Frampton. Although I saw the bird in October, constant messages indicating the bird was in the car park opposite the visitor centre warranted investigation, and I had seen the species at Frampton before but not managed a decent photo. My plan was to arrive at first light and return home for breakfast. There was one other birder in the car park and we set out to look for the bird. The light wasn't quite good enough yet to see the leg colour well, and as there were a number of Redshanks around it made for an interesting search. However as it was one of the closest birds it didn't take long, and I called the other chap back as he had wandered in the wrong direction. This is one of the reasons I find Frampton the best reserve in the country, ther...