I had intended something different for my second post, but when "announcing" my blogging prescence on Facebook I added a photo of a Slender-billed Curlew, which attracted a few comments, so, with apologies to the "haven't seens" of this world, I'll continue. I've been looking on the web and it seems that there are very few photos of Slender-billed Curlew, and only one video of Merja Zerga birds. This is understandable as most birders back in the 80's and early 90's didn't have cameras, and those that did, like myself, could rarely get close enough for good shots. I know there are others, I digitised one for Vaughan Ashby, but most will be distant record shots blown up. When using film (remember that?) this results in much loss of quality, in fact I didn't put mine on my website for years because I didn't consider it good enough, I still don't but because of the paucity of shots I've reversed that decision. ...